Friday, December 17, 2010

Isaiah Devotional

We are studying the book of Isaiah this year with Bible Study Fellowship. It has been so incredible. Just this past week I encountered a passage that I am certain I had never before read.

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel says:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
In quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it."
Isaiah 30:15

Isaiah is speaking to the people of Judah and they are completely uninterested in the beautiful promises of their Sovereign Lord. The following verses go on to outline how they would rather trust in the swiftness of their horses and their alliances with neighboring Egypt, than the Omnipotent God who created them. God knew when He gave these words to Isaiah that Judah would not listen. But He gave them anyway because He knew that close to 2,700 years later, they would pierce the soul of this stay-at-home mom as she struggles with how best to celebrate the birth of her Savior.

You see, I am a do-er, a loud, noisy get the job done type. My nature is to be busy, and because I am a follower of Jesus, I am often doing and being busy for Him. And I convince myself that this is a good thing. Especially at Christmas time. Go here. Do this. Serve there. Bake that. Decorate some. Wrap some. Isn't this fun? And at the end of it all, I am usually left lying in my bed thinking, "Really? Did I encounter Jesus today or did I just get stuff done?"

In repentance and rest is your salvation.
In repentance...I'm so sorry, Lord, for turning the celebration of Your birth into a to do list.
and rest...So hard for me. Help me, Lord, to let go of all the things I think I HAVE to do and instead do only that which You have for me.

In quietness and trust is your strength.
In quietness...I can hear myself making excuses. But Lord, it's such a busy time of year. I don't have time to be quiet, to be still before You. I have to ask myself - Why is it so busy? Honestly I'm getting the feeling it should be less busy than all the other months. Less hectic. What would happen to Christmas if I resolved to spend more time being quiet in the presence of the God who created me and knows me best? Actual minutes, dare I say hours, in quietness before Him. Lord, that is going to require a lot of...
Trust...If I am going to spend real time in quietness before You, then I am going to have to give up some of the hustle and most of the bustle that has actually defined Christmas for me. Will it still be Christmas without all this activity? Without the wrappings and trappings of all that has been traditional for me for so long?

I can hear His still, small voice whispering. Trust Me. It will be more like Christmas. Be still, My child, and know that I am your God, Incarnate, the Word made flesh, eternal and cosmic, yet imminent and human, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

O come, let us adore Him, in the repentant, restful, trust-filled quiet of Christmas.